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Search Results for ~Flat Earth Cafe~Join our chat @ ~FlatEarthCafe~ 1 : Keep it Civil :

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~Flat Earth Cafe~Join our chat @ ~FlatEarthCafe~ 1 : Keep it Civil & Respectful 2 : No Degeneracy 3 : No Trolling/Shills/Spammers. 4 : Come with an Open Mind. 5 : Stay in your True Spirit & Find out ~Welcome Everyone~

148 members, 13 online

This group for our brothers and sisters to wake up to the truth of the beauty of Allah's plane earth, beauty of the heavens, their ornaments and so much more. The history and current theory of big bang, globe, gravity and space are works of shaitaan!

959 members, 37 online

A deflationary token with capped supply, anti-whale feature, and transaction tokenomics to reward holders and help fight soil degradation and climate change. Www.earthbyt.io

2 914 members, 30 online

English Cafe

English Cafe

English is a Global Language. Knowing English increases your chances of getting a good job in a multinational company within your home country or for finding work abroad.

32 970 subscribers

Life Cafe

Life Cafe


574 members, 30 online

This is a PRIVATE INVESTORS GROUP LOUNGE.Contact @CIGAR33 | @BOZMAN333COIN CAF Channel https://t.me/CoinCafe_1COIN CAF TWITTER https://twitter.com/COINCAFE_1WE DO:FREE ICO/IEO Reviews, PRIVATE Investments.Blockchain News.Consulting.

59 members

Join my group Grow your website All members unlimited send msgFor beneficial your site growth Join telegram @Free_help_website_traffic Join status channel @RJ_CREATION_19 Join Motivation channel @RJ_MOTIVATIONSVisit site technorkn.blogspot.com

1 770 members, 18 online

Crack Sarkari Exams Mp Defence police Mp All Exam For UPSC UGC SSC CGL PCS BPSC Mppsc UP Banking Railway Current Affair Gk Quiz

All categoriesabilece is vaguely-phrased or open-ended; however, these are close matches for the given text. Government & Civil Services

.UPSC, SSC, Railway, Banking, State PSC, CDS, NDA, SSC CGL, SSC CHSL,RAS Patwari, Samvida, Police, SI, CTET, TET, Army, MAT, CLAT, NIFT, IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk, CET, Vyapam.Daily Current Current Affairs Quiz

37 001 subscribers

#Sunil behera #Founder of Shri Chanakya Civil Service- Pursuing Phd in Rural development -Completed BSC in physics -MA in Rural developmentServing in Army as a Technician of EMECracked Railway, SSC Faced UPSC CDS interview

2 976 members, 191 online

For contact: @civilyaarquarryBELIEVE IN YOUR SELFquiz bot questions are available on @civilyarrfollow on YouTube civil yaar

29 649 members, 975 online
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