The Telegram Index API allows you to access metadata for Telegram groups, channels, and bots at very low prices. This documentation covers the available endpoints, parameters, and usage examples.
Search Endpoint
Find groups, channels, and bots based on various criteria
Metadata Endpoint
Fetch detailed information about specific Telegram entities
Search Endpoint
Parameter | Type | Description |
query | string | Defines the search keyword or term. This is the primary input for retrieving relevant results. |
cat | string | Filters results based on predefined categories. If omitted, results from all categories will be included. |
page | integer | Determines the page number for paginated results. The first page is 1, and subsequent pages increment accordingly. |
min_members max_members |
integer | Filters results based on the number of members in a group or channel. Range: 0 to 100,000,000. |
type | string |
Filters results by type. Options: channel – Displays only channels group – Displays only groups bot – Displays only bots If omitted, all types will be included. |
sort | string |
Determines the sorting order. Options: asc – Ascending order desc – Descending order rlvn – By relevance based on search query |
Available Categories
Technology & Development
- Technology & Programming
- Ethical Hacking & Cybersecurity
- Blockchain & Web3
- AI & Machine Learning
- Programming Challenges & Hackathons
Finance & Business
- Cryptocurrency & Trading
- Business & Finance
- Investing & Stock Market
- Freelancing & Side Hustles
- Startup & Entrepreneurship
- Remote Work & Digital Nomads
Entertainment & Media
- Gaming & Esports
- Movies & TV Shows
- Anime & Manga
- Music & Audio
- News & Politics
Education & Self-Improvement
- Science & Research
- Education & Learning
- Health & Wellness
- Self-Improvement & Motivation
- Productivity & Time Management
Lifestyle & Interests
- Fashion & Beauty
- Travel & Tourism
- Food & Cooking
- Cars & Automobiles
- Pets & Animals
- DIY & Hobbies
- Photography & Videography
Social & Community
- Sports & Fitness
- Military & Survival
- History & Culture
- Spirituality & Religion
- Relationships & Dating
- Social & Community
- Memes & Fun
Other Categories
- Shopping & Deals
- Real Estate & Property
- Adult & NSFW
- Other / Unclassified
Example Queries
Basic Search Query
Returns all results related to "python" across all categories, without any filters.
Filtering by Category
Returns only results related to "crypto" in the Cryptocurrency & Trading category.
Filtering by Type (Groups Only)
Returns only groups related to "fitness".
Filtering by Member Count
Returns results where the member count is between 1,000 and 50,000.
Sorting by Relevance
Returns results related to "music", sorted by relevance.
Paginated Results
Returns the second page of search results for "programming".
Notes and Best Practices
- Parameters are case-insensitive but must be URL-encoded when necessary (e.g., spaces replaced with %20).
- If multiple filters are applied, results will match all conditions (AND logic).
- Sorting by relevance (rlvn) is recommended for general searches, while ascending (asc) and descending (desc) sorting are useful for numerical filters like member count.
- For best performance, avoid requesting large page numbers or an extensive member count range in a single request.
Sample Response
"success": true,
"total_results": 42,
"page": 1,
"results": [
"id": "python_community",
"title": "Python Programming Community",
"link": "python_community",
"type": "group",
"members": 25430,
"category": "Technology & Programming",
"description": "Community for Python developers to share knowledge and resources.",
"picture_url": "https://telegramindex.org/pictures/python_community.jpg"
// More results...
Metadata Endpoint
Use this endpoint to fetch detailed information about specific Telegram entities. Documentation for this endpoint coming soon.
Parameter | Type | Description |
link | string | Defines the telegram invite link of group/channel or bot to retrive meta data. |
Support & Contact
For API access, pricing information, or technical support, please contact us: