Telegram Groups, Channels and Bots Links.
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Divulgao de vagas na rea de T.I em Gois.No permitido: Contedo pornogrfico; Qualquer tipo de preconceito, desrespeito, injria, etc; Divulgaes fora do escopo deste grupo; e Venda de produtos e servios.
Profesionales en Copywriting y Redaccin.Reglas para evitar el BAN y mantener buen ambiente:- Nada de spam.- Respeto, educacin y tolerancia.nete a Nuestro Canal:
, . @travellers_chat @travellers_chats @travelling_around @rules_here
Sub 4 sub
This group is great place to share food safety related articles,Jobs, Food Technology innovations, Food Technology related articles and videos, links or any technical discussion related to Food Science and Technology and related fields to it.