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Environment (Pollution suggests it but only that matches partially so added rights related in human Planet making General name - Ecology of it, I had decided General environment the Category broad environment includes science aspect in some parts.) Human and or Earth/ Plant related or Social are categorized - in to that Category the is closest ( the ) fits broad scope from other Options Environment or Social in - in in to most directly category most)
@PollutionFacts @FoodWasteTelegram @VeganFactsTelegram @SwitzerlandFacts @TikTokFakeReality @WWFFacts @ElonMuskPollution @MissionWillowProject @WomenRightsTelegram @EuthanasiaTelegram @FinanceFactsTelegram @EnergyFactsTelegram @CarAccidentsFacts etc.
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EduLingoPrepHer gn, gn iinde anket halinde soru gnderimi yaplmakta Hem yeler tarafndan atlan sorular hem de adminlerin paylat sorular zebilirsiniz Bal tm gruplar:
Grupo dedicado especialmente interao entre os fs de SZA (by @szabra).
sta es la comunidad oficial de Bubblemaps, el anlisis de blockchains ms rpido, inteligente y fcil!