Telegram Groups, Channels and Bots Links.
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Izlanishdan to'xtama
Canal sobre diseo y desarrollo de aplicaciones web e informacin de inters general.Enva tu contenido mediante @desarrolloweb_bot
Updates about The Mori's
Get all WhatsApp group links 2024 here you want to chat with Admin For Advertisement? "If yes" contact @advert_master
Shitty vids. Barely selfmade content.Advertising () - @tripxlordSend something - @bruhvideosbot
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Waxaad noogu imaataa adeeg damaanad leh oo dhameystiran sdkle xarunteena waxey kutaala dagmada hodan iyo xamar weyne iyoMadiino adeeg walibi aad noga baahataan wa diyaar
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By @TerrorismTelegram @WomenRightsTelegram @DefenceTelegram @NorgeTelegramFreaks @GenRevolutionOfficial @FactsTelegramChannels - @UtoyaMassaker @AndersBehringBreivikTelegram @BreivikDeathSentence @BreivikHumanRights @BreivikBullshit @RecidivismFacts
Little information is available to categorize this text under this related Telegram category list provided. However, Interpretation is possible since it is about ancient Egyptian language along with the descriptions of the writing system: the list can be narrowed down to a very specific one choice (History & Culture)
A group to talk about the ancient Egyptian language and scripts!
Welcome biggest prediction group message the group owner for sure prediction and messages the admin click on the username to message @Paymentafterwinning1