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Benvinguts i Benvingudes! Aquest canal neix per a coordinar-nos assambleriament com a docents de centres pblics del Baix Llobregat davant la deficient gesti de la COVID19 per part de del Departament dEducaci.

215 members

Attending The Mining Conference? Chat here to catch up with fellow attendees and get the scoop on whats happening next. Wheres the bowling? Wheres the after-party? How do I find the tour bus? When is the miner repair workshop? And much much more

384 members, 22 online

RogerPad - Safest LaunchPad for Devs & Investors (#eth #base #polygon #bsc #solana)Main Chat: @RogerPadPortalTwitter: @RogerPad_MainLinktree: Linktr.ee/RogerPadCEO: @RogerPad_CEO#Why_RogerPad #Believe_in_Roger

466 members, 2 online

We want everyone in our community to be safe and get back the moments weve missed with our families and friendsThis project launched to raise awareness of Covid Vaccine

195 members, 6 online

If u leave u gay and we are all humans the same nobody's better or greater or richer than anyone. Cuz in the end of the day we all are going to be in the grave

70 members
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