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, - https://t.me/+IWoQeGiixERiNGNi 39 - https://t.me/+qOJ_RfKU1TgzMWIy , - https://t.me/+MQukhU2woZA1Y2Ri: @granica_39_helper_bot

29 784 members, 491 online

This group is great place to share food safety related articles,Jobs, Food Technology innovations, Food Technology related articles and videos, links or any technical discussion related to Food Science and Technology and related fields to it.

999 members, 34 online

Kanal: @pubg_mobile_chitterrGurux a'zolari bir-birimizni hurmat qilaylik!Admins team--> @Nurik33Akk sotish tekin adminga yozing kanalga hamRek qilamiz. Taqiq So'kinish Reklama 18+ Chit tarqatish

45 members

(_____) gruppasina xosh keldiiz..Baldarga xurmette qizdarga izzette bolayq dostarmGruppa qaiydalari...Soginiw,reklama t-wVideo,stikker, jiberiwDoslasiw ,tanisiw,muxabbatDostar50_ ta adam qosqan admin(ka)Gl_admin degen joq

22 members
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