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Nama dan logo YooShi terinspirasi dari dinosaurus di Super Mario, bernama Yoshi.Anggota komunitas YooShi akan berpartisipasi dalam model ekonomi baru, yaitu 'Bermain untuk Menghasilkan'yooshi.io/twitter.com/yooshi_officialwww.reddit.com/r/Yooshi

1 529 members, 69 online

A deflationary token with capped supply, anti-whale feature, and transaction tokenomics to reward holders and help fight soil degradation and climate change. Www.earthbyt.io

2 904 members, 35 online

Ben Yatrm danman DELM..Spk yaynlanmas istenen uyar Burada yer alan bilgi, yorum ve tavsiyeler yatrm danmanl kapsamnda deildir. Kiisel gr ve teknik alma ierir. Bu nedenle grupta yer alan yazlara gre yatrm yaplmamaldr.

2 801 members, 15 online

BYJU'S Exam Prep group has produced top results in GATE & ESE Examination for 5+ years.Here you get best teaching support & preparation strategy from experts to crack GATE & ESEFor more guidance, you can contact +919241333666bepstudentsupport@byjus.com

407 members, 8 online

#_ Ban sbblri: Xanmlara xsid yazmaq Sy/Arqo Reklam/Flood Kurucu: @DTX0052 ikaytlr:

106 members, 13 online
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