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, , . +7 (999) 903-68-36, , 14 @FFIMPERIYA

3 850 members, 794 online

Assalomu alaykum GURUHIMIZGA HUSH KELIBSIZ Bu guruhda Posle Oplataga EKSPRES BERILADI BIZDA DOIM TOP EKSPRESLAR Gurupamiz:@TOP_EkspresN1Admin @ROXE_ADMSporta hama narsa bolishi mumkin

38 members, 3 online

For pilots and ATCs who strive to enhance or maintain their level of Aviation English with certified ICAO rater-examiners.For ICAO exam preparation contact us :Telegram contacts: https://t.me/YaroslavBondarhttps://t.me/MarySirichenko

3 537 subscribers

Assalawma aleykum kanalimizga xosh keldiiz .Qaiydalar:Reklama tarqatqan(basqa kanal silkalarin)Maqsetimiz:Alla raziligi ushin Abuterentlerge jardem beriw .@Saxatov_Azizbek.Ximiyani uyreniwshiler ushin :@Ximiya_S_A

61 members

Manzil:ASAKA Andijan : +998330608785Assalomualeykumsovundan gullarsovun uchun ranglarsovun uchun qoliplarT.me/asakagullarolamiBarcha viloytlarga dastavka bor

255 members, 16 online
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