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Explorons la vrit, les faits et la logique avec bienveillance, le tout agrment d'une touche d'humour pour garder notre quilibre. Cherchons nous comprendre mutuellement.REQUTES: @adam7venPubs : https://telega.io/c/lOeildAdam

26 549 subscribers

Assalomu Aleykum Va Rohmatullohu Va Barokatuh Qadrli Guruhmiz A'zolari Guruhmizga Xush Kelibsiz Bzni Guruhmizda Siz Hoxlagan Faningzdan Testlar Ishlashiz MumknBir Biriga HurmatszlikGuruh Egasi : @dnx_9eRa1n

12 737 members, 22 online

Hi my name is PONKE.A degenerate gambler that doesnt get along with just anyone but I have a lot of friends.Website: www.ponke.xyzTwitter: https://x.com/ponkesolTelegram: https://t.me/ponkesolCN: https://t.me/ponkechinese

26 389 members, 654 online

This is a group for intj and all other introverted intuitives to have fun, have deep conversations or to relate to each other and feel understood. Rules:No promotionsNo erotic videos Use only English

139 members, 6 online

Winnerz_Blockchain Sports Platformhttps://www.winnerz.wincontact : admin@winnerz.win

3 652 members, 48 online
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