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.This channel is used as my notebook on various technical issues in the information technology. To contact with me @volandas

8 subscribers

"Fayyaa sammuu malee fayyaan hin jiru" Gorsa waa'ee fayyaa sammuufi xiinsammuu irratti ni barbaadduu?Link kana gadii tuquun join godhaa.@sammuukoofYaadaafi ergaa qabdan@ToliBurka nu qaqqabsiisuu ni dandeessu.Fayyaa hin dhabiina.

5 682 subscribers

155 (70 , 85 ) , , , : @pawosaurr_manager

210 subscribers

FACEBOOK RESOURCES TO RUN ADS- Profile, page, advertising account, BM... Official contact: https://lucagency.net/For rent https://t.me/LucaMarketingAgencyhttps://t.me/LucaMarketingAgency_FbforRenthttps://t.me/accountsforsalelucagency

560 subscribers

A community to share homesteading skills as we stumble our way through what my ancestors knew how to do. Sociable people will be appreciated Discourteous people will be bannedNo Religious debateNo racial epithetsAntiwhites will be banned

5 683 subscribers

Korean songs (K-Pop / K-Drama)Admins:@yegagane@maryamjaffariiAll BTS albums: https://t.me/btssong*no advertisement accepted.

8 735 subscribers

. : @uma_admins : @uma_moderator 300 : https://umatg.ru/vse-chati/: @Umaabout_bot TG: @Razvitiekanala_bot 5027130169

14 460 members, 415 online

@otakumemes aiofilm.com Just photo https://t.me/loliconpride_pic : https://discord.gg/gy6SeXYmJT : @love_life_lie

945 members, 40 online

UWDC . , . @trueIT

866 members, 199 online
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