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Group ini untuk belajar ilmu Tashrif dengan tujuan utama memperdalam dan memahami Al Qur'anPelajaran dimulai setiap hari senin shubuh jam 05.00Pengajar : Ustadz Ami Halimi Admin :@AmiH4l1m1@deddyks

137 members, 5 online

0 presale, 0 team tokens90% LP burn, 10% airdrop to fren-list Launch 17th Oct. CA will be shared in TG firstChannel: https://t.me/fely_officialX: https://x.com/FelySolana

6 177 members, 135 online

This an unofficial SoftNote Market. @tectumglobalYou can list items for sale and buy from other users who accept SoftNote. Please only buy from those within your locality, meet in a public place only BEFORE paying. DM @gfirst20 to become a Merchant

50 members

Hush kelibsiz!Mazmunli She'rlarMa'noli statuslarHit MusiqalarQiziqarli videolarBarchasi bizning guruhimizda Bizdan uzoqlashmang @sevgim_bu_baxtim4

26 members

I don't put too much restrictions in group because we are college students not child .So please i request to all don't do any misbehave in this group.The most important thing is don't dm to any girl without her permission .

31 members
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