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Guruhimizga xush kelibsiz!Kuningiz xayrli va Barokatli o'tsin!Bugun: 09-Jun 2019-yilSoat: 02:31:38Hafta kuni: YakshanbaHavo harorati: +22 CGuruh a'zolari: 283Bosh homiy: @DiL_SozLaRMMustaqillikga: 84 kun 21 soat 28 minut qol
bachelor in Biology, FL, 19
Astro Wonders is a group which is created for those who are seriously interested in Astronomy, Cosmology etc. Wiser can share their ideas, point of views and amazing facts about space. Let's start our journey towards the fantastic space together
Xem ngay trc tip cc gii u trn khp th gii cng @chaolua v giao lu cng AE
5 ( ). . 8:45, 9:00. - ( . )
BYJU'S Exam Prep group has produced top results in GATE & ESE Examination for 5+ years.Here you get best teaching support & preparation strategy from experts to crack GATE & ESEFor more guidance, you can contact
. ., / ( ) - @oaejobs_bot- @oaejobs_bot @oae_info
#Gruppaga.xush.kelibsizlar#Qoidamiz.shuki.hamma.uzini.xurmatini.bilsin.tamom#Kanalimizga.marhamat#. @Qaygulestatuslar #Adminlarimiz#. @S_Jabborov2021 #. @S_Jabborov0314
| : / / , . # # !! .!! @works_in_kiev @rewlers