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Gruba katilmanizin onayi icin @turkishmining e kendinizi tanitin lutfenGrup olarak amacmz mesleki anlamda yardmlamaktryeleri rahatsz etmek, meslek d gereksiz sohbet, hakaret, kfr ve taciz vb. durumlar gruptan ihra sebebidir.

4 087 members, 126 online

Guys join @flamboyantpoetry channel for exploring a wider poetic world.This group is just created to discuss about poems, short stories,etc or to share write-ups.Thanks:)

98 members, 5 online

Fight Against the Agenda of NWO and DajjalLawan Agenda NWO dan Dajjal

197 members, 16 online

# /Interior design/ # # # Interior Design # Landscape Design # Supervision . /Consultancy/

2 483 members, 362 online
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