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This channel is for NEW LAUNCHES.Here we discuss, review & research new projects and attempt to verify their authenticity and likelihood of success.
Nama dan logo YooShi terinspirasi dari dinosaurus di Super Mario, bernama Yoshi.Anggota komunitas YooShi akan berpartisipasi dalam model ekonomi baru, yaitu 'Bermain untuk Menghasilkan'
1- .2- .3- .4- . 5- .6- .7- . 8- .9- .
The BSC lounge.The place that will unite the BSC network into one HUB. Learn about upcoming launches, pre-sales, news and discussion about existing tokens.AMAs Promotions MarketingThis is not an official fork of the BSC Network.NFA
55 ta odam qoshganga chiroyli Nik yasab beramiz75 TA odam QOSHGANGA Ismiga rasm topib beramiz O'g'il bola gudok zakas 5 ming yoki 150ta odamQiz bola gudok zakas 10 ming yoki 200ta odam@Suxrob_Juraqulov
, , . : @admx2core
Build your Dream Web3 with !7Xpace Ambassador at Binance | Make your life 7x faster Checkout our website for latest design (Crypto Logo/NFTs) Merch @i7XpaceFor Business Proposal contact i7Xpace@gmail