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Intalniri doamne, domnisoare& Cupluri & Swingeri
Grupta lediiniz llegal Sular Bize Ait Deildir llegal erikler Tespit Edilip ikayet Edilcektir.
22.00 ! / - - - @m_whit
Reklam ve i birlii iin S'den ulaabilirsiniz.Grup ticaret amaldr...- Antalya Sohbet grubu iin ;@antalyaSohbetGrubu- ilanlar iin ; @Antalya_is_ilanlari- Oto ve Emlak alm satm iin ;@oto_emlak_alim_satim sayfalarmz takibe alalm
- - uses blockchain for Dog microchip identification erc721 and Dog life data Vaccination & immunisations using erc20 as Data exchange reward mechanism @COO_DogData@AleksandarVujic@darkonivs
.: @IvaninMM, @impoliv
'g @TEMUR9666 @UzGmaill
Welcome to GLOBAL CHAT HUBRules:-1) No Spam & abuse and insulting Messages to each Other.2) No adult Messagesor Content allowed.3) Advt / PM = Ban4) Respect each others
Anybody have problem related to Facebook contact to the admin. However anybody gives his I'd and pass in this group admin is not responsible. So contact to admin only in personal chat.Thanks,