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Search Results for Higher Education/.'.Education :

we found 1724 results


IELTS Prep by LeapScholar

Education & Learning

Community for IELTS preparation. Practice English daily here Tips & tricks shared for all sections Attend free IELTS Masterclasses Find speaking partnersAnd more!Subscribe to our YouTube Channelhttps://youtube.com/c/IELTSPrepbyLeap

51 692 subscribers

BBC Learning English

Education & Learning

Every day we have new materials to help you learn the English language 2nd channel: @learn_english_with_news3rd channel: @english1speechesThis is a not official channelAny questions? @mabruk_s

28 216 subscribers

Learning English by reading books

Education & Learning

Reading books can be a great way to pick up new vocabulary, see grammar in action and develop your understanding.

26 319 subscribers

Korean Learning Class (self-study)

Education & Learning

Learn Korean Language Easily Self- study keep its mind This group is for people who need to learn languages on their own.

20 294 subscribers

English Classroom

Education & Learning

Cette chane t cr pour aider les francophones apprendre l'anglais facilement.

18 255 subscribers

IELTS with JK (Jasurbek Kodirov 8.0)My Instagram: jasur_kodiroffIELTS tips, materials and more... Toshkent, Jahon tillari ro'parasidaKurslarga ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun +998971997898 @jkielts_admin@JKieltscontactbotFiles bot: @jkieltsbot

6 144 subscribers

IELTS with Ahmed Hassan

Education & Learning

Educational channel for IELTS Preparation

19 388 subscribers

Chinese language(self-study)

Education & Learning

This channel is for people who need to learn languages on their own. We will share everything you need.!

18 471 subscribers

English From Zero to Hero

Education & Learning

Our Group: t.me/+gaJyqqfNSDdhMmFkContact the owner Via: @English_AssistantBot

14 879 subscribers

Kampus Bahasa Arab (KBA)

Education & Learning

Kanal khusus belajar bahasa Arab. Tingkatkan kompetensimu dengan metode yang seru. Punya pertanyaan seputar bahasa?@tanyakampus_bot Surel: kampusbahasaarab@gmail.com Kampus ini dikelola oleh @syababsalafy Riyadh, Kerajaan Saudi Arabia

9 400 subscribers

Self-study materials for IELTS

Education & Learning

SELF-STUDY MATERIALS ( for IELTS )BooksVideos Podcasts Tips (for writing, speaking,reading and listening)Contact: @ (IELTS 8.0)@Sh_Muhiddinov@movies_with_subtitleAn awesome channel to improve your English skills )

5 668 subscribers

Free IELTS Speaking assessment, ELTS Speaking Band 9.0 sample answers, tips and tricks and general English speaking tips.

2 807 subscribers
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