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A forum for medical laboratory professionals to interact, exchange knowledge, access job updates and internship opportunities. Be part of the ever growing, fulfilling and dynamic career and together let us scale the heights of MLS . @kenyamedlabtech

724 members, 12 online

Explore cutting-edge VLSI technologies and methodologies. Share knowledge, resources, and best practices. Engage in discussions on topics like RTL design, physical design, verification, and more. Network with fellow VLSI enthusiasts

1 438 members, 54 online

Aim of the group is widely sharing of technology knowledge.....we share what we know to build up tech beasts...We are One .Neo Hackers

502 members, 17 online

We are PANDAI, the cutest AI meme token, making AI accessible for everyone. We're not just another simple memecoin, but will provide real utility and knowledge about AI. Pandas Gonna Make It! (PAGMI)

1 995 members, 85 online

To acquire knowledge, one must study;but to acquire wisdom, one must observe.

10 members

Blockchain UNN is a community of Digital Enthusiasts with a drive to educate, impact and develop members of the University Community with basic knowledge of cryptocurrency and blockchain education, as well as development in UNN/UNEC Campuses.

3 472 members, 88 online

Welcome to the Meta Earth Nigeria Community!For the latest updates, discussions, and to connect with the broader Meta Earth community, join our main group here: https://t.me/Meta_Earth_Community.

1 174 members, 21 online

t.me/Covid19Truth Join to commentChat: t.me/Covid19TruthGroupRules https://t.me/Covid19TruthGroup/40507Report Spam @c19tg_report#COVID #lockdowns #EconomicReset #Agenda21 #Agenda2030 #WW1 #WW2 history paved way for #Zionist #Marxist #Bolshevik #az

2 021 members, 79 online
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