Telegram Groups, Channels and Bots Links.
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Friends talking group
Welcome to Friends talking Group FOR ENDLESS TALKING Click here for knowing your group rules here for getting our group link a good day
@notxxx1 - @Golang_google - Golang @itchannels_telegram - @golangl - chat@golangtests - golang tests@golang_jobsgo - go chat jobs@ai_machinelearning_big_data - AI@data_analysis_ml :
The rules are the following: BAN for:- texting girls in private chats(the rule for boys) ;- channel/group ads without permission;- promoting and talking about religion;- asking personal info;- being immoral
Group for friends Add your friends alsoLanguage- Hindi/ EnglishRules:-No Pornoaphic ContentNo Spam/AdvertisementNo PM/DM without his/her permission
Bienvenid@s al hogar del MSX. Un espacio donde compartir conocimientos, recuerdos y anhelos acerca de ese sistema tan entraable para nosotr@s. Recuerden saludar amablemente al incorporarse al grupo y ser respetuosos con la comunidad.
Welcome to Our CHATTING CLUBRespect each other Acquire new friends Dont advertise Political or religious topicDon't insultAnd dont write in pmAt last, don't forget to invite your friends
SEDIKIT ATURAN1. Dilarang share link apapun.2. Dilarang share pornografi3. Dilarang spam
Chilling Zone Try Your Luck, Search Your Decent Girlfriend Paid girls are mostly fraud, Don't get scammed