Telegram Groups, Channels and Bots Links.
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Daily Topic Wise Quiz For JSSC CGLQuiz Time 9:00 PM (Everyday)For any Query Contact Owner @Tausifalam786This Group is Specially Created For All Competitive Exam like JSSC &JPSC & NTPC and all Railway Exams....
Service before self The background is maroon, which is an apt colour of heraldry but also a symbol of chivalry and sacrificeFor practices and discussion
Competitive Board Games
This is a group for people who are interested in shogi to share information and make announcements.Rules: Resources:
Bu @Time_Battle kanalining rasmiy gruppasi.Bu yerdagi hamma @Time_Battle ga azo bolishi kerak.SokinganUrushgan18+ tashaganBoshqa kanallarni reklaman qilganAdmini gapiga quloq solmaganlar Kik va Katta Spam bolasiz. Hafa bolish yoq !!!
Competitive Exams
DISCUSSION VC(LUCENT)8PM TO 9PM- GEOGRAPHY 9PM TO 10PM- HISTORY 10PM TO 11PM- POLITYLUCENT QUIZ BOT CHANNEL Mix- @MataeducatioHis- @innocentboyrjaPol- @innocentboyjraGeo- @innocentboyhzhEco- @innocentboyjrbarts and culture- @innocentboymaa
ApeX is a permissionless and non-custodial and non-KYC derivatives DEX that operates on an orderbook model and delivers cross-margined perpetual contracts.
Construction services & infrastructure related exams ( railway living, techno inquiries relating to railway pertaining like rrb NTPC,JE, ALP, Group D etc)
#Railway #RRB #NTPC #Group_D #RPF #ALPAdmin >>> @RailwayAdminBot
Grupo para hablar de Sistemas Automticos de Trading, trading cuantitativo, Trading Algortmico, Optimizacion, etc.
Grupo para hablar de Sistemas Automticos de Trading, trading cuantitativo, Trading Algortmico, Optimizacion, etc.
Popular culture info :Entertainment (such as film, music, television and video games), sports(cricket, football, hockey, etc) , news (as in people/places in the news), politics, fashion, technology.
Best Group On Telegram For the Preparation of #UPSC, #SSC, #Banking, #Railway, #RRB, #IBPS, #SBI, #Defence, #Police, #RBI etc.Joon@All_Material - --