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We choose best micro fiction stories by modern and classic authors every day! (except Saturday) (we rest on Sundays too)VK group: longer stories check
EST 2018NSFW, no explicitThe good boys (admins)@vulpo @TheNoodleOfMac @PaxCaeli @NanoDerg @Alphfur @NoSleepTill @NicoWoofer @MartiniMarter send us memes using@furposting_sub_bot
sas Kanal:
Kenya's Largest Writers Platform.Buy, Sell, freelance accounts.Hire writers or get hired.
IELTS Speaking And Writing Practice falls under: Education & Learning.
Little information is available to categorize this text under this related Telegram category list provided. However, Interpretation is possible since it is about ancient Egyptian language along with the descriptions of the writing system: the list can be narrowed down to a very specific one choice (History & Culture)
A group to talk about the ancient Egyptian language and scripts!
# /Interior design/ # # # Interior Design # Landscape Design # Supervision . /Consultancy/
Assalomu Aleykum Va Rohmatullohu Va Barokatuh Qadrli Guruhmiz A'zolari Guruhmizga Xush Kelibsiz Bzni Guruhmizda Siz Hoxlagan Faningzdan Testlar Ishlashiz MumknBir Biriga HurmatszlikGuruh Egasi : @dnx_9eRa1n