Telegram Groups, Channels and Bots Links.
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Salom. Guruhimizga hush kelibsizBIZNING KANAL@urganch_mental_arifmetikaGuruhga qiziqarli mantiqiy savollar tashlaymiz. Onlayn MENTAL ARIFMETIKA o"rganishni hohlovchilar menga @Anush_0423 murojat qilishingiz mumkin
Daily Topic Wise Quiz For JSSC CGLQuiz Time 9:00 PM (Everyday)For any Query Contact Owner @Tausifalam786This Group is Specially Created For All Competitive Exam like JSSC &JPSC & NTPC and all Railway Exams....
Competitive Exams
DISCUSSION VC(LUCENT)8PM TO 9PM- GEOGRAPHY 9PM TO 10PM- HISTORY 10PM TO 11PM- POLITYLUCENT QUIZ BOT CHANNEL Mix- @MataeducatioHis- @innocentboyrjaPol- @innocentboyjraGeo- @innocentboyhzhEco- @innocentboyjrbarts and culture- @innocentboymaa
For competitive studentsGk, Gs, Reasoning, Philosophy, Administration , Psychological terms etc.
Service before self The background is maroon, which is an apt colour of heraldry but also a symbol of chivalry and sacrificeFor practices and discussion
Competitive Board Games
This is a group for people who are interested in shogi to share information and make announcements.Rules: Resources:
Rules s s - ' s ' s s ' 1] & s2] sCONTACT @ShangTsungbot
Bu @Time_Battle kanalining rasmiy gruppasi.Bu yerdagi hamma @Time_Battle ga azo bolishi kerak.SokinganUrushgan18+ tashaganBoshqa kanallarni reklaman qilganAdmini gapiga quloq solmaganlar Kik va Katta Spam bolasiz. Hafa bolish yoq !!!
ApeX is a permissionless and non-custodial and non-KYC derivatives DEX that operates on an orderbook model and delivers cross-margined perpetual contracts.