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Divulgao de vagas na rea de T.I em Gois.No permitido: Contedo pornogrfico; Qualquer tipo de preconceito, desrespeito, injria, etc; Divulgaes fora do escopo deste grupo; e Venda de produtos e servios.

1 109 members, 29 online

Informasi CPNS 2024INFO CPNS 2024info cpns 2024Try Out Cpns 2024Fr cpns 2024INFO CPNSLatihan SKD CPNSinformasi cpnsInfo cpns SMA/SMKCPNS 2024

2 567 members, 20 online

This is a group which stress on Jee/Neet exam preparation. We conduct live quizzes regularly, so that you could understand where you stand. we will give u number of books and top institutions matirial for free

22 members

Free Income & Tach Support Group

Employment & Workplace

https://youtu.be/HmDeLkSMkyQSubscribe my channel

40 members

Daily updates on job openings across various IT industries Career tips, resume guidance, training, and i nterview strategies to help you succeed. TCS, Accenture, IBM, Infosys, Wipro, etc problem solution

1 462 members, 2 online

Sportsverse is a metaverse where you can shop, watch real-time sports, bet, develop your sports career, join tournaments, meet sports stars, or construct the things you like. Web: sportsverse.meChannel: @sportsversechannelTW: twitter.com/sportsverseme

784 members, 21 online

A forum for medical laboratory professionals to interact, exchange knowledge, access job updates and internship opportunities. Be part of the ever growing, fulfilling and dynamic career and together let us scale the heights of MLS . @kenyamedlabtech

724 members, 8 online

Only genuine and serious aspirant(s) pls!This group is meant to provide all types of help to needful aspirant(s) for pursuing their better career. BPSC and other exams are just a medium, our motive is to educate society."edulife-education is life"

2 134 members, 219 online
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