Telegram Groups, Channels and Bots Links.
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BNB24 -
cari teman mutualan & support userbot dan musicbot telegram
Ads - @thousand_ads
/s @ExttremeAdt s. ; # ; @ExtremeFederasyonu ; @PlatformReklam Bilal : #
The information in the channel is not financial adviceRisk Warning: Trading Forex and Leveraged Financial Instruments involves significant risk and can result in the loss of your invested capitalFull rules in the pinned message
1. 2. 3. 4.
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I don't put too much restrictions in group because we are college students not child .So please i request to all don't do any misbehave in this group.The most important thing is don't dm to any girl without her permission .
RULES : Bebas posting link BOUNTY Bebas posting link AIRDROP Bebas posting link REFF Dilarang NGOBROL Dilarang JUAL BELI NO STICKER/PICTURE/GIF