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Search Results for Avalaunch $XAVA Avalaunch: https://avalaunch.app:

we found 797 results

The world's first decentralized World Cup NFT marketplace app, build on Binance Smart Chain.Web: https://fifapp.ioChannel: @FIFAPP_IOTwitter: https://twitter.com/FIFAPP_IOContract: 0x78BFCd7fdE118b0aF05C5A940617191F74eF8A13

398 members, 8 online

MOBILE WALLET is a gateway to seamless crypto payments enable fast cross-border payments, instant ATM withdrawals and secure merchant transactions. More information: https://mobile-wallet.app/

2 455 members, 161 online

100% fair coin-flip game powered by TON blockchain Test your luck onchain!Mini-app: @TonFlipTGbotWeb: https://TonFlip.tgNews Channel: @TonFlipSmart Contract: TonFlip.ton

360 members, 51 online

Building Autonomous AI Foundershttps://app.hyperliquid.xyz/trade/0xa82aa458b2c146e97733d0c05374aa0eX: https://x.com/hyperlauncherAI

3 417 members, 150 online

Mars Ecosystem Telegram Thailand Official Defi Stablecoin Dapp:https://app.marsecosystem.com/

182 members

Download App:-https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dreamteam.inContact Us- 8340309332

353 members, 12 online

SnowSwapApp Decentralized ExchangeTelegram Internationalhttps://t.me/SnowSwapAppFollow Twitter https://twitter.com/SnowSwapAppwww.snowswap.app

430 members, 6 online

STABLE & PROFITABLE YIELD FARMING DAPP WITH AUTOMATED USERS INSURANCEweb: https://metabnb.app/?ref=0x3D36060E6b60B50c2D428A8d64E4E87A49137210

30 members

STABLE & PROFITABLE YIELD FARMING DAPP WITH AUTOMATED USERS INSURANCEweb: https://metabnb.app/?ref=0x3D36060E6b60B50c2D428A8d64E4E87A49137210

75 members

Auth is simpler on the blockchain. Let users access your Ethereum app from anywhere. No more browser extensions and seed phrases. https://fortmatic.com/

376 members, 19 online

Build, design, and trade all types of assets, tokens, and NFT across multiple blockchains for a more sustainable future.Website: https://summeris.app

684 members, 44 online

TeWa SideChainThe Next Generation of Web3 Payment.Contract: 0x00b8739d6932FC8723501a4f2d0F6c8dF254F93dWebsite: https://tewachain.app/Channel: @TeWaSideChainAnnoucementContact for work: @Kai_Tewa_Sidechain, @marktewasidechain, @PerryTeWa.

725 members, 15 online
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