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Welcome to GLOBAL CHAT HUBRules:-1) No Spam & abuse and insulting Messages to each Other.2) No adult Messagesor Content allowed.3) Advt / PM = Ban4) Respect each others
Gruba katilmanizin onayi icin @turkishmining e kendinizi tanitin lutfenGrup olarak amacmz mesleki anlamda yardmlamaktryeleri rahatsz etmek, meslek d gereksiz sohbet, hakaret, kfr ve taciz vb. durumlar gruptan ihra sebebidir.
, ., , - @bizpride
gm y'all here.. im trying to share best airdrop as we can as possiblehope can enjoy together, please stay and as we can we will share airdrop legit and free for you guys main channel:
Question isn't understandable to pick a category. Please help me to translate it.
Qizlar bollar tanishuvADMN:@CR_RANALDO_7 imon s s //s@TANISHUVGRUPPABU
Guys join @flamboyantpoetry channel for exploring a wider poetic world.This group is just created to discuss about poems, short stories,etc or to share write-ups.Thanks:) objetivo del grupo es compartir informacin, eventos, promociones y tener un espacio donde todos puedan interactuar entre s para resolver dudas