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So Gonalo um municpio brasileiro do estado do Rio de Janeiro, Sua populao estimada em 2020 era de 1 091 737 habitantes,[1] sendo assim o segundo municpio mais populoso do estado, atrs apenas da capital do estado, e o 16 mais populoso do pas.

908 members, 3 online

Rules:Just Talk about your ProblemLanguage= EnglishSending Media= allowedSpam/Gif/PV/Ads/channel link= unallowedPolitical discuss =Website links are allowedManager: @WS_OwnerChannel: @Windows_SoftwaresDonate : @WS_Donate

5 988 members, 220 online

$SPXTG: https://t.me/SPX6900PortalChatSPX6900 is available on Ethereum, Solana, and Base! ETH: 0xe0f63a424a4439cbe457d80e4f4b51ad25b2c56cSOL: J3NKxxXZcnNiMjKw9hYb2K4LUxgwB6t1FtPtQVsv3KFrBASE: 0x50da645f148798f68ef2d7db7c1cb22a6819bb2c

13 582 members, 27 online

Benvinguts i Benvingudes! Aquest canal neix per a coordinar-nos assambleriament com a docents de centres pblics del Baix Llobregat davant la deficient gesti de la COVID19 per part de del Departament dEducaci.

215 members

Guruhimizga xush kelibsiz!Bugun: 16-May 2024-yilSoat: 07:51Hafta kuni: PayshanbaGuruhimiz: @qiziqqarli_videolarGuruh a'zolari: 17 Kun yangiligi:

28 members
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