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Flamingo Finance is an easy-to-use Decentralized Finance (DeFi) platform that allows users to convert assets, provide liquidity, and earn yield through staking. Flamingo's SmartStake features make DeFi easier than ever before.https://discord.gg/flm

3 159 members, 118 online

It's an Offtopic Chat, You can chat in any language here. @crackwatch_rCodm: @CallofdutymobileoffficialApex: @apexlegendsmobileofficiallBGMI: @BGMIofficiallIf you feel your ban/mute was a mistake, contact admins.Spam : @DontSpamHereYourNudes .

280 members, 4 online

NFT collection group for muladoesarts | Giveaways| NFT | Crypto | PTC | Blogging | Automation | Scrapping | Google Apps Script | Helper community

79 members, 6 online

Burada paylalan bilgiler , analizler ve tahminler Eitim allmas kapsamnda olup , yatrm tavsiyesi niteliinde deildirler. Ltfen al-sat -tut kararlarnz kendiniz veriniz . Ekip olarak buna karmyoruz

1 606 members, 8 online

Group ini untuk belajar ilmu Tashrif dengan tujuan utama memperdalam dan memahami Al Qur'anPelajaran dimulai setiap hari senin shubuh jam 05.00Pengajar : Ustadz Ami Halimi Admin :@AmiH4l1m1@deddyks

137 members, 3 online

Herzlich Willkommen, in der Werbung & Chat Gruppe.- Bitte nicht auf die Mtter gehen.- Hier knnt ihr alle 6h werben.- Kein spam.- Hier werden Gruppen nicht beleidigt.- Wenn es Probleme gibt, bei den Admins melden.Habt viel Spa

1 236 members, 24 online
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