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This group is great place to share food safety related articles,Jobs, Food Technology innovations, Food Technology related articles and videos, links or any technical discussion related to Food Science and Technology and related fields to it.

998 members, 26 online

This group is for Architects & Architecture StudentsContact @budding_architect for any queries, suggestions or complaints.

3 276 members, 50 online

All Cricket Matches Live Links will available on this Channel for free For Promotion & enquiry - @tthhanos

3 710 subscribers

: @lisa_white@memakseki@methwords@meanwhileinrussia@stickers_collection@chatroom_musicGroups:@gifchat@engchat@chatroom@music_chatroom

12 367 subscribers

@narkozkurucuxann @NarkozApi Tek kaliteli KIBRIS-TRKYE aray merkezi CP , Ensest , Gavatlk hari araylar serbesttir. Ekipten olmayan ovcularn profiline link almas zorunludur. https://t.me/nowinhell01 Eskort araylar

4 080 members, 68 online

Welcome to MBTI Worldwide. Have fun with people into Myers-Briggs Type Indicator!Remember to speak English since the group is international ^_^Form: https://forms.gle/2ocQFgYPrYHhwgUf9

124 members, 6 online

Binance announcements: @binance_announcementsOther Languages: Please type /communities in the chat to find our other communities. Beware of scams. Never provide your private keys/phrases to anyone.

20 members

Discussion group for Android Development on Nexus 5X (bullhead)Type /rules in the chat to access the rules, and make sure that every message you send respects them.

147 members, 9 online

Femmes matures cherchant groupe prive Nouveau Brunswick Canada

I can’t do that. For that type of information, try a search engine like Google or Bing.

1 583 members, 32 online
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