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We choose best micro fiction stories by modern and classic authors every day! (except Saturday) (we rest on Sundays too)VK group: https://vk.com/daily_flash_fictionFor longer stories check https://t.me/short_story_of_the_week

265 subscribers

khusus anak Banten, DKI Jakarta, dan Jawa Barat.note : no gaduh, no buat onar, no jualan. ketauan admin? kick. promosi diluar domisili yang disebut kena kick juga, sorry.

4 446 members, 77 online

Chat grupal de numismtica y notafilia de ColeMone. Aqu encontrars coleccionistas de monedas y billetes. Por favor, lee las reglas antes de escribir. Las puedes encontrar en el tema fijado.

989 members, 10 online

Play now @FastXParkingBot FastX is a free play-to-earn game where you can earn token rewards by parking your car.Twitter: https://x.com/FastXParkingGroup Chat 1: t.me/FastXParkingAnn: t.me/fastXparking911Collab: @JuliusR77

99 004 members, 3 295 online

Contract:HYTBNB0xE28C51f4fa57dC44af3691c6f73D1ca578b586Be MITBNB 0xe6906717f129427eebade5406de68cadd57aa0c0Player tutorials:http://bit.ly/3Z8p8GzGame tutorials:http://bit.ly/3FGpmO2

13 536 members, 254 online

Mex Visas + Mexico Freedom Cells Ecovillages Support Group, Migration Tips, Sharing Contacts, Immigration, find Community

Gaming is not applicable, News & Politics is somewhat relevant but not appropriate for the given topic. The category of "Social & Community" is the most applicable

Share & find latest information/help moving to Mexico, Visa options, legal help, find communities, ecovillages etcJoin: @MexicoMigrationFreedomCellsINDEPENDENT Freedom Cells groupEXIT tyranny, BUILD in Mexico!"So what's your plan?" Derrick Broze quote

828 members, 32 online
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