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Tech seems present - likely Technology & Programming
Coinversation Protocol is the first DEFI2.0 protocol of Polkadot EcologyKaco is Coinversation's cross-chain DEX. Web
WNBP is a spreadsheet from Key (ICO Drops) which predicts the growth of various crypto-currencies during the Next Big Pump. *THIS IS MY PERSONAL OPINION. INVEST AT YOUR OWN RISK.
Aisha_toybaslar gruppasina xo'sh keldin'iz Sizg'e oz xizmetlerimizdi usinamiz.Toy ha'm tuwilg'an kun basqada bayramlarga bonbonerki islep beremizBuyitpa 3 kun aldin kemi 15 dana50% tolem aldinanDastavka bar91 384 68 98@aykosha_0115
Xush_kelibsiz_Urgench city _GURUPPAMIZGA_Guruppaga_XORAZMLIKLARNI_taklif_etamizLishni_gap_yqReklamaQizlani lich tganlaUrishganla100_Odam_qosang_(ADMIN)KA100%GURUNG_ATAMIZ
O grupo surgiu no Blog CCNA, e tem pessoas de todos os nveis. Ento o foco principal so as tecnologias e certificaes da Cisco. Outros assuntos, desde que sejam interessantes, produtivos e que agreguem valor ao grupo so bem-vindos. Leia as regras!
C A P U C H I N O : C A P U C H I N O - 24/7 - () +70
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