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# /Interior design/ # # # Interior Design # Landscape Design # Supervision . /Consultancy/

2 483 members, 362 online


11 members

Assalomu alekum.Sizlar bu guruh orqali arzon sifatli va hamyonbop sumkalrdan sotib olishingiz mumkin.Uydan turib buyurtma bering.To'lovlar siz istagan usulda.Naqd pul,ClickOrqali qabul qilinadi.Manzil Namangan ShMegapolis Savdo markaziTel:995117173

40 members, 2 online

Kelime haznenize gveniyor musunuz?Gelitirici: @FusufDuyurular: @QuiecsTavsiye kanal ve gruplar: @TGliste

28 members

Mars - $MARS Mars is the next humanity's big leap for further civilization. Lead by Elon Musk and SpaceX. Why go to the moon, when you can go to mars? To the Mars and Beyond!https://t.me/marscoins_erchttps://x.com/mars_erc20https://marserc.io/

1 812 members
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