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18 . @ViktoriaTM72
- @Opadulvivbot - - @Reklamaopadu_bot
Living my best life. Youtube Subscribe Free Cant stop, wont stop. Cant stop being awesome. Awesome by birth. Dream chaser with a heart of gold. Turning dreams into reality,
: GigaChat Plus: @chatmagaplus The GigaChat Forecasters Association: @TheGigaChatFA
Welcome to the official Christian minecraft serverRules:- NO PIRACY- No hate speech, piracy or NSFW media- Just be fucking nice to each other- English only- Use your *fucking* brain pleaseThe dank stuff: @lcquotesSupport Group: @lccommunity
Dear Users! This regional chat is muted for the time being, but you are welcome to join our International Chat in English @chatex_chat_en
The rules are the following: BAN for:- texting girls in private chats(the rule for boys) ;- channel/group ads without permission;- promoting and talking about religion;- asking personal info;- being immoral
/ @SHOP_Plus_Clash : @vahidhekmatyar +989930322248 : @Varizi_Plus :
Gruppo dove si parla di juventus e calcio in generale sempre forza Juventus Canale : affiliato a questo :
, : , . : @nw_mainadmin
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