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All Over world exchanges is a Safe heaven for all types of trading like Normal trade, Margin Trade, Smart Trade & SIP Pln.Join this channel today,know more about World's most trafical Exchange.

205 members

The world's first decentralized World Cup NFT marketplace app, build on Binance Smart Chain.Web: https://fifapp.ioChannel: @FIFAPP_IOTwitter: https://twitter.com/FIFAPP_IOContract: 0x78BFCd7fdE118b0aF05C5A940617191F74eF8A13

398 members, 8 online

The most private, secure and fungibledistributed ledger technology the world has ever seen; Tangram is the solution to safeguarding your identity, your business, and your privacy in a world of prying eyes.Internasional Group : @Tangrams

99 members, 5 online

Media yang digunakan selalu bebasGrup Utama @sekolahwibuDilarang MENJIPLAK, MENCURI, MENGEDIT karya milik orang lain, TERUTAMA tanpa ijin.Dilarang untuk menggunakan kata-kata kasar secara berlebihan hingga menyinggung perasaan orang lain.

452 members, 2 online

NFTDeFi: http://tinyworlds.io/Twitter: https://twitter.com/tinyworldgamefiMedium: https://medium.com/@tinyworld.gamefiDiscord: https://discord.gg/jXTRTz7B7N: https://t.me/tinyworld_en

3 320 members, 51 online

English quiz world

English quiz world

Let's exercise English!Private link: https://t.me/joinchat/SzIU1sAhoaY3dJeB

269 subscribers

Welcome to the official $SMILEK Telegram group! Dive into the world of the ultimate meme coin revolution.English: https://t.me/+9qvOurhMLbY4ODMxSpanish: https://t.me/+1JwjSycsmk8xN2VhMemes: https://t.me/Smilekmemes

2 615 members, 64 online

NG TRM TI XU UY TN L VNGNHM I 01 - 03 LNH , LNH NO CHT LNH Y , M BO TM L V BO M VN CA NGI CHITelegram : @OTTX86 C BC M C KIN THC TH N L U T #68gamebai #68gb #taixiu #nhomkeo

9 740 members, 6 online

TUSD English Community Group RegulationsPlease use English in this groupDiscussions of other tokens/currencies is not allowedSpreading rumors and unconfirmed news is strictly prohibitedAdvertisements & repeated posters or messages other

690 members, 30 online

A group for all Kolkata Knight Riders KKR FansOfficial Fan Group English/Hindi/Malayalam/Bengali (Use English) Powered By IFK @IPLFansKerala

633 members, 28 online

Official group of Pixel Experience for redwood English or Hindi (If don't know English) Don't ask for Admin Right nor ETA Developer - @kartik_ane_nenu

614 members, 42 online
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