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Search Results for Agriculture:

we found 7 results


Vero Farm is a game which is built for everyone and uses Blockchain technology to connect millions of people around the world Email: contact@verofarm.comWebsite: http://www.verofarm.comTwitter: https://twitter.com/VeroFarmGames

3 376 members, 102 online

S.K. Rajasthan Agricultural University (SKRAU), Bikaner


Official Telegram group of Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner (Raj.) India PLZ JOIN "This Group" TO GET UPDATES ABOUT *WEBINAR, SEMINARS, AND FDP PROGRAMMES* etc. ....!YOU CAN JOIN THE GROUP BY CLICKIhttps://t.me/skraubikaner

2 000 members, 2 online

*AgriPapers*Presentations* Agri quizes .Group link @et25f

25 members

Farmers Central Market Newsboard; focus on Herbs, Spices and Fruiting Vegetables. And ofcourse New Tech #AgTech #Agritech #FarmGRo Rule #1 NO SPAM ADsContact Www.FarmGro.africa for verification before transacting.+254 788 454 493+254 703 245 005

175 members, 6 online

A discussion platform where farmers meet, interact and showcase their practical experience to solve specific or general agricultural problem(s).https://t.me/joinchat/UODvTnAUgmS5Xbn7

234 members, 5 online

Information is Wealth

398 members, 15 online
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